Hello Blog Friends!
Well, it's been a busy couple of months with moving into our new home, awaiting the arrival of Cathy's first grand child and Cathy's recent HORRIFIC slip and fall at our local grocery store, but we MUST prepare for Thanksgiving next week!
You see, time does not wait for life's little 'setbacks' and must proceed without concern for those of us who may not be ready. The holidays are such a busy time for our family and now that we're in a new, bigger home, we're expecting more 'guests' this year. We will probably make 20 or so pies, 2 turkeys, 2 Honey Baked hams and our LARGE assortment of delicious sides to our feast. Some of you have asked for some of our recipes and if you let me know which one you're interested in and your e-mail address, if it's NOT a family SECRET recipe, I will gladly share! I will be posting our "Diablo Lobster Spaghetti" here soon because so many of you have asked, it would probably be easier for me to post it here rather then sending out a hundred e-mails!
We are beginning to make our annual Swarovski Crystal earrings for the wonderful ladies in our lives. If you haven't sent me your address, 3 color preferences and choice of metal i.e., silver or gold, get that to me ASAP so you're not receiving your 2010 edition in 2011! If you would like us to costom create a pair for a favorite lady in your life, for a nominal fee, we will create a pair just for her! Again, address, color & metal choices and a little bit about the person. We like to make them to fit the personality of the person we're creating them for!
Don't forget to check out our YouTube postings and drop by to subscribe so that when we post a new video, you'll be the first to know!
I've fried both of my laptops so I apologize for the lack of blog entried. I promise that I will be more diligent in blogging more so you know what's going on in our crazy lives!
On Twitter: @Twinz2 (Me)
@Gemelle2t2 (Cathy)
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Good Morning.
Some of you subscribers or wayward readers are not aware that I am clairaudient. Clairaudient is a French word for 'clear hearing'. Being raise and am still a practicing Catholic, we were taught by the church that people like me are 'evil', 'of the devil', 'taking the dead away from God' when someone professes to have the ability to communicate with the dead. Herein is my conflict: I hear the dead. I hear voices of spirits, angels and yes, even Jesus Himself. There, I said it. Let your immediate judgement crash over you like a tidal wave. Once it's over and it has sunk in, I'm asking you to open your mind for a few minutes and allow me to explain why I do what I do. I will NOT get into full detail about my experience because of two reasons: 1. Putting it into human terms is not possible for anyone to understand my unearthly experience. 2. It is so deeply personal, at times FRIGHTENING AND beautiful that it must remain forever locked in my psyche if I'm able to make peace with it daily.
I had a week of lost time. Scattered minutes, blurred hours and shocking experiences are only a few vivid 'memories' I have. I saw, I EXPERIENCED hell. I experienced the darkest dark beyond human comprehension. I was 'told' by my tormentors (who turned out to be my saviors as well) that I couldn't appreciate the 'gifts' I was about to be given if I didn't first experience the evil that would be seeking me as well. Yes, the darkest hour IS just before dawn. I wasn't sick, it wasn't a NDE (Near Death Experience), I was not drinking nor taking drugs. My young daughter was vacationing with my older sister for 2 weeks and my husband was working nights...I was all alone or so I thought. Now looking back at the experience, it's funny how God works sometimes. The week my 'experience' happened, my daughter would have been home and my husband SHOULD have been working. However, God, knowing the bigger picture, knew I would need this alone time for a reason.
I will so try not to go into huge detail here because again, maybe it would only make sense to me. I awoke about 2am thinking someone was in the house but how could that be? My little dog barks her head off if a drip of water drips in the bathroom sink! I found no one. Back to bed. Heard a BOOMING voice of a man right outside my door: I panic, grab the phone and am at the ready to dial. Nothing. The 'voice' now inside my room in an upper corner. 'It' called to me. HORRIFIC conversation took place telepathically and I was terrified and immensely confused how I could be having a 2 way conversation with someone I couldn't see. I was tested. I was commanded to prove I wasn't fearful of things that terrified me even as an adult; The dark, a belief in evil, childhood fears. I was SOBBING uncontrollably yet through the sobbing I still hear this booming male voice now right behind my right ear just as if a real, flesh and blood man was commanding me to face demons I didn't want to face. I did EXACTLY what I was being told to do even though I am a VERY strong willed, strong minded person I knew I needed to obey. I now lay in a ball in the corner of my dark room and silence. Through the sobbing I now heard nothing but my wails in the night. What the hell just happened? Am I going crazy? Is this a horrible joke? I even thought, being so terrified, that maybe I had died and I was being 'tested' before I either went to Heaven or hell! Then a soft spoken, very familiar voice asked me softly to sit on the edge of my bed. I did exactly that. The once booming voice now became what I can only describe as a 'mechanical' voice. I didn't fear this voice, or the soft, familiar voice that had asked me to sit on the end of my bed. The mechanical sound began to take word form along with an intense vibration from my shoulders to the top of my head. I now had realized that I had heard this mechanical voice just 2 weeks prior laying in an ICU bed. EVERYTHING mechanical that had a sound i.e., air conditioning coming on, the hum of my oxygen mask even the white noise of the tv if I paid attention, would start to take word form! I was not hearing this voice in the middle of the night coming from directly above my head asking me what I would do with gifts of being able to hear spirits, angels, the DEAD! I was at a loss for words and my crying continued. Then, the single most clearest moment of my entire life I heard the soft, comforting and FAMILIAR voice of a man standing directly behind me, STANDING on my bed say to this 'mechanical' voice: "Stop, she's had enough". THEN, from about 4 feet directly behind me the deeply embedded footprints of someone walking down my bed to come put 'His' hands on my shoulders and I felt 'His' teardrops hitting the back of my bare shoulders!! I was so devoid of the fear I just experienced as I felt the tears FALLING ON MY BACK, my cry had now turned to what I can describe as a defined, whole and completely encompassing cry as if I were crying for the whole world. I was then asked by the mechanical voice if I would accept these gifts and use them to help not only the people around me, but the spirits I would soon encounter. 'He' told me I would be ridiculed, singled out, lied about but to ALWAYS REMEMBER 'HE' WAS FIRST TO HAVE SUCH THINGS HAPPEN TO HIM. Then, the person behind me heard my promises to help people both of this earth and NOT of this earth AND that I would have to let go of some of my hard held beliefs. Specifically He did not say. After the experience, I figured I would have to truly love God and not necessarily EVERYTHING I had learned from the church OR from the Bible. Then I felt the 'man' behind me speaking softly a language I did not recognize as he placed what can only be described as a round, securely fitting hat on my head and a VERY heavy cloak around my shoulders. The mechanical voice was now joining the soft voice in a prayer like language for approximately 20 minutes then it was over. I was left feeling completely overwhelmed, exhausted, confused and my legs didn't afford me the luxury of holding me up to return to my bed so I was forced to schooch back, cover up and cry myself to sleep. This entire experience lasted an entire week.
I'll try to jump through this part quickly. I woke up & it was so bright I needed my sunglasses which were for some reason on my night stand. I knew instantly that I was loved and that the unseen energy surrounding my bed were angels and arch angels. Michael started: "My name is Michael and I LOVE you Christine"...around the circle they went. The light was not only so bright, but my eyes felt like they had been glued shut. I went out into my living room and sat on the couch when the room began to fill with my family who had all passed away. That 'night', my bedroom wall completely disappeared and the backyard was illuminated with the whitest light! The same light that filled my room that very morning. I could see people walking hand-in-hand into what used to be the brick wall of my backyard! Then the voice: "Tell your husband and your daughter goodbye. It's your time to go to the light". AH HA!! My experience was somehow a near-death-experience if I'm being asked to go to the light and follow the others, I must be dead! Even with my Catholic upbringing and continual belief in the Catholic religion and teachings, I was terrified to approach the light but I complied once again. I kissed my husband, my dog and crying, went into my daughter's room and kissed her goodbye. As I walked back to my bedroom I instantly reflected on my life....who I loved, who I hurt and how could I have made a bigger difference in my family's life. As I approached my backyard facing wall that was no longer there, my first step hit hard against the wall that INSTANTLY appeared. The male voice much softer again; "Now you will understand when you need to help children, women, men, non-believers who are frightened to take the next step into the light as you have now experienced their fear". Wow. A lesson I still carry with me today. Spirits 'line' up in my room to be heard. I've learned that if you were an asshole on earth, the likely hood of you coming across to me from the spirit world as an asshole are also very likely. I don't seek out spirits, angels, ghosts or whatever you NEED to call them, they come to me. I help little children cross and know some of their fear. I assist a loved one to come from the light to meet them and help them cross over and they always pause to thank me. Why me? After asking myself that at least a million times, I've stopped asking. When people ridicule me or cuss me out (which has happened on more then one occasion)I can't get mad or at least not anymore. I was chosen for a reason. If you want to know the reason, you'll have to ask the 'power' that gave it to me as I cannot answer you. I cuss, I drink, I'm deeply opinionated as yes, I talk to spirits, angels and Jesus. It IS possible for people with human qualities to also have God's favor in their lives: I'm living proof.
Since the inception of my gifts, I have premonitions, astral travel, have spirits and angels visit me helping me sharpen my clairaudient gifts with constant testing, have frequent telepathic conversations with non-human entities I lovingly call 'My ET's' and now, cannot imagine life without them.
So the next time someone says they have 'gifts', you might just pause and give thought without judgement.
Some of you subscribers or wayward readers are not aware that I am clairaudient. Clairaudient is a French word for 'clear hearing'. Being raise and am still a practicing Catholic, we were taught by the church that people like me are 'evil', 'of the devil', 'taking the dead away from God' when someone professes to have the ability to communicate with the dead. Herein is my conflict: I hear the dead. I hear voices of spirits, angels and yes, even Jesus Himself. There, I said it. Let your immediate judgement crash over you like a tidal wave. Once it's over and it has sunk in, I'm asking you to open your mind for a few minutes and allow me to explain why I do what I do. I will NOT get into full detail about my experience because of two reasons: 1. Putting it into human terms is not possible for anyone to understand my unearthly experience. 2. It is so deeply personal, at times FRIGHTENING AND beautiful that it must remain forever locked in my psyche if I'm able to make peace with it daily.
I had a week of lost time. Scattered minutes, blurred hours and shocking experiences are only a few vivid 'memories' I have. I saw, I EXPERIENCED hell. I experienced the darkest dark beyond human comprehension. I was 'told' by my tormentors (who turned out to be my saviors as well) that I couldn't appreciate the 'gifts' I was about to be given if I didn't first experience the evil that would be seeking me as well. Yes, the darkest hour IS just before dawn. I wasn't sick, it wasn't a NDE (Near Death Experience), I was not drinking nor taking drugs. My young daughter was vacationing with my older sister for 2 weeks and my husband was working nights...I was all alone or so I thought. Now looking back at the experience, it's funny how God works sometimes. The week my 'experience' happened, my daughter would have been home and my husband SHOULD have been working. However, God, knowing the bigger picture, knew I would need this alone time for a reason.
I will so try not to go into huge detail here because again, maybe it would only make sense to me. I awoke about 2am thinking someone was in the house but how could that be? My little dog barks her head off if a drip of water drips in the bathroom sink! I found no one. Back to bed. Heard a BOOMING voice of a man right outside my door: I panic, grab the phone and am at the ready to dial. Nothing. The 'voice' now inside my room in an upper corner. 'It' called to me. HORRIFIC conversation took place telepathically and I was terrified and immensely confused how I could be having a 2 way conversation with someone I couldn't see. I was tested. I was commanded to prove I wasn't fearful of things that terrified me even as an adult; The dark, a belief in evil, childhood fears. I was SOBBING uncontrollably yet through the sobbing I still hear this booming male voice now right behind my right ear just as if a real, flesh and blood man was commanding me to face demons I didn't want to face. I did EXACTLY what I was being told to do even though I am a VERY strong willed, strong minded person I knew I needed to obey. I now lay in a ball in the corner of my dark room and silence. Through the sobbing I now heard nothing but my wails in the night. What the hell just happened? Am I going crazy? Is this a horrible joke? I even thought, being so terrified, that maybe I had died and I was being 'tested' before I either went to Heaven or hell! Then a soft spoken, very familiar voice asked me softly to sit on the edge of my bed. I did exactly that. The once booming voice now became what I can only describe as a 'mechanical' voice. I didn't fear this voice, or the soft, familiar voice that had asked me to sit on the end of my bed. The mechanical sound began to take word form along with an intense vibration from my shoulders to the top of my head. I now had realized that I had heard this mechanical voice just 2 weeks prior laying in an ICU bed. EVERYTHING mechanical that had a sound i.e., air conditioning coming on, the hum of my oxygen mask even the white noise of the tv if I paid attention, would start to take word form! I was not hearing this voice in the middle of the night coming from directly above my head asking me what I would do with gifts of being able to hear spirits, angels, the DEAD! I was at a loss for words and my crying continued. Then, the single most clearest moment of my entire life I heard the soft, comforting and FAMILIAR voice of a man standing directly behind me, STANDING on my bed say to this 'mechanical' voice: "Stop, she's had enough". THEN, from about 4 feet directly behind me the deeply embedded footprints of someone walking down my bed to come put 'His' hands on my shoulders and I felt 'His' teardrops hitting the back of my bare shoulders!! I was so devoid of the fear I just experienced as I felt the tears FALLING ON MY BACK, my cry had now turned to what I can describe as a defined, whole and completely encompassing cry as if I were crying for the whole world. I was then asked by the mechanical voice if I would accept these gifts and use them to help not only the people around me, but the spirits I would soon encounter. 'He' told me I would be ridiculed, singled out, lied about but to ALWAYS REMEMBER 'HE' WAS FIRST TO HAVE SUCH THINGS HAPPEN TO HIM. Then, the person behind me heard my promises to help people both of this earth and NOT of this earth AND that I would have to let go of some of my hard held beliefs. Specifically He did not say. After the experience, I figured I would have to truly love God and not necessarily EVERYTHING I had learned from the church OR from the Bible. Then I felt the 'man' behind me speaking softly a language I did not recognize as he placed what can only be described as a round, securely fitting hat on my head and a VERY heavy cloak around my shoulders. The mechanical voice was now joining the soft voice in a prayer like language for approximately 20 minutes then it was over. I was left feeling completely overwhelmed, exhausted, confused and my legs didn't afford me the luxury of holding me up to return to my bed so I was forced to schooch back, cover up and cry myself to sleep. This entire experience lasted an entire week.
I'll try to jump through this part quickly. I woke up & it was so bright I needed my sunglasses which were for some reason on my night stand. I knew instantly that I was loved and that the unseen energy surrounding my bed were angels and arch angels. Michael started: "My name is Michael and I LOVE you Christine"...around the circle they went. The light was not only so bright, but my eyes felt like they had been glued shut. I went out into my living room and sat on the couch when the room began to fill with my family who had all passed away. That 'night', my bedroom wall completely disappeared and the backyard was illuminated with the whitest light! The same light that filled my room that very morning. I could see people walking hand-in-hand into what used to be the brick wall of my backyard! Then the voice: "Tell your husband and your daughter goodbye. It's your time to go to the light". AH HA!! My experience was somehow a near-death-experience if I'm being asked to go to the light and follow the others, I must be dead! Even with my Catholic upbringing and continual belief in the Catholic religion and teachings, I was terrified to approach the light but I complied once again. I kissed my husband, my dog and crying, went into my daughter's room and kissed her goodbye. As I walked back to my bedroom I instantly reflected on my life....who I loved, who I hurt and how could I have made a bigger difference in my family's life. As I approached my backyard facing wall that was no longer there, my first step hit hard against the wall that INSTANTLY appeared. The male voice much softer again; "Now you will understand when you need to help children, women, men, non-believers who are frightened to take the next step into the light as you have now experienced their fear". Wow. A lesson I still carry with me today. Spirits 'line' up in my room to be heard. I've learned that if you were an asshole on earth, the likely hood of you coming across to me from the spirit world as an asshole are also very likely. I don't seek out spirits, angels, ghosts or whatever you NEED to call them, they come to me. I help little children cross and know some of their fear. I assist a loved one to come from the light to meet them and help them cross over and they always pause to thank me. Why me? After asking myself that at least a million times, I've stopped asking. When people ridicule me or cuss me out (which has happened on more then one occasion)I can't get mad or at least not anymore. I was chosen for a reason. If you want to know the reason, you'll have to ask the 'power' that gave it to me as I cannot answer you. I cuss, I drink, I'm deeply opinionated as yes, I talk to spirits, angels and Jesus. It IS possible for people with human qualities to also have God's favor in their lives: I'm living proof.
Since the inception of my gifts, I have premonitions, astral travel, have spirits and angels visit me helping me sharpen my clairaudient gifts with constant testing, have frequent telepathic conversations with non-human entities I lovingly call 'My ET's' and now, cannot imagine life without them.
So the next time someone says they have 'gifts', you might just pause and give thought without judgement.
Near Death Experiences,
Monday, January 25, 2010
Alien disclosure coming?
The sixth man to walk on the moon has called on the US government to end its “embargo of truth” about the existence of aliens on Earth.
Apollo 14 astronaut Edgar D. Mitchell told a delegation of 100 “UFOlogists” in Washington that full disclosure about the presence of extra-terrestrials was essential to the survival of the human race.
“We are being visited,” Mr Mitchell, 79, was quoted as saying in the Washington Times.
“It is now time to put away this embargo of truth about the alien presence.
“I call upon our government to open up … and become a part of this planetary community that is now trying to take our proper role as a spacefaring civilisation.”
Mr Mitchell, who holds the record for the longest moonwalk, said many people had told him of their experiences with aliens because he had credibility as a former astronaut.
“[They] figured I was reliable enough to carry their stories and not compromise them,” he said.
Mr Mitchell made his comments to a sympathetic audience from the Paradigm Research Group (PRG), an organisation which carries the motto: “It’s not about lights in the sky, it’s about lies on the ground”.
The PRG hopes the Obama administration will defy previous government policy and release classified files detailing proof of alien existence.
“If it does not disclose [the documents] by the end of May — this is not a threat or anything, you don’t threaten the United States government, they’re heavily armed … [then] the PRG has … quite a bit of documentary evidence connected to this … and we are going to be extensively putting that out to the media,” group founder Stephen Bassett said.
interesting..especially when you consider how the vatican has been treating the subject..disclosure in may?..something else threatening to happen in may like so many other things
Church astronomer latest to speak of “space brothers”
Vatican chief astronomer Father Jose Gabriel Funes in a long interview with the L’Osservatore Romano newspaper this week made news by saying there is a certain possibility of intelligent life elsewhere in the universe, and that such notion “doesn’t contradict our faith.”
“How can we rule out that life may have developed elsewhere? Just as we consider earthly creatures as ‘a brother,’ and ’sister,’ why should we not talk about an ‘extraterrestrial brother’? It would still be part of creation,” he said.
The statements by Funes are the latest in a string of recent comments by Vatican astronomers confirming a belief that discovery may be made in the near future of alien life, including intelligent life, and that this discovery would not unhinge the doctrine of Christ.
In 2005, another Vatican astronomer, Guy Consolmagno tackled this subject in a 50-page booklet, Intelligent Life in the Universe, in which he concluded that chances are better than not that mankind is facing a future discovery of extraterrestrial intelligence.
Approximately 7 years ago Monsignor Corrado Balducci made similar news when he said ETs were actually already interacting with earth and that some of the Vatican’s leaders were aware of it.
Before his death in 1999, maverick Catholic theologian Father Malachi Martin hinted at such more than once. In 1997, while on Coast to Coast AM radio, Art Bell asked him why the Vatican was heavily invested in the study of deep space at Mt Graham Observatory in southeastern Arizona. As a retired professor of the Pontifical Biblical Institute, Father Martin was uniquely qualified to hold in secret, information pertaining to the Vatican’s Advanced Technology Telescope (VATT) project at the Mount Graham International Observatory (MGIO). Martin’s answer ignited a firestorm of interest among Christian and secular UFOlogists when he said, “Because the mentality… amongst those who [are] at the… highest levels of Vatican administration and geopolitics, know that, now, knowledge of what’s going on in space, and what’s approaching us, could be of great import in the next five years, ten years.”
Those cryptic words “…what’s approaching us, could be of great import in the next five years, ten years,” was followed in subsequent interviews with discussion of a mysterious “sign in the sky” that Malachi believed was approaching from the North. People familiar with Malachi believe he may have been referring to a near-future arrival of alien intelligence.
If ET life is something Vatican officials have privately considered for some time, why speak of it so openly now, in what some perceive as a careful doctrinal unveiling over the last 24 months? Is this a deliberate effort by church officials to “warm-up” the laity to ET Disclosure? Are official church publications on the subject an attempt to soften the blow before disclosure arrives, in order to help the faithful retain their orthodoxy in light of unprecedented forthcoming knowledge?
What are your thoughts?
Article by: Brian Veloso/Follow The Money
The sixth man to walk on the moon has called on the US government to end its “embargo of truth” about the existence of aliens on Earth.
Apollo 14 astronaut Edgar D. Mitchell told a delegation of 100 “UFOlogists” in Washington that full disclosure about the presence of extra-terrestrials was essential to the survival of the human race.
“We are being visited,” Mr Mitchell, 79, was quoted as saying in the Washington Times.
“It is now time to put away this embargo of truth about the alien presence.
“I call upon our government to open up … and become a part of this planetary community that is now trying to take our proper role as a spacefaring civilisation.”
Mr Mitchell, who holds the record for the longest moonwalk, said many people had told him of their experiences with aliens because he had credibility as a former astronaut.
“[They] figured I was reliable enough to carry their stories and not compromise them,” he said.
Mr Mitchell made his comments to a sympathetic audience from the Paradigm Research Group (PRG), an organisation which carries the motto: “It’s not about lights in the sky, it’s about lies on the ground”.
The PRG hopes the Obama administration will defy previous government policy and release classified files detailing proof of alien existence.
“If it does not disclose [the documents] by the end of May — this is not a threat or anything, you don’t threaten the United States government, they’re heavily armed … [then] the PRG has … quite a bit of documentary evidence connected to this … and we are going to be extensively putting that out to the media,” group founder Stephen Bassett said.
interesting..especially when you consider how the vatican has been treating the subject..disclosure in may?..something else threatening to happen in may like so many other things
Church astronomer latest to speak of “space brothers”
Vatican chief astronomer Father Jose Gabriel Funes in a long interview with the L’Osservatore Romano newspaper this week made news by saying there is a certain possibility of intelligent life elsewhere in the universe, and that such notion “doesn’t contradict our faith.”
“How can we rule out that life may have developed elsewhere? Just as we consider earthly creatures as ‘a brother,’ and ’sister,’ why should we not talk about an ‘extraterrestrial brother’? It would still be part of creation,” he said.
The statements by Funes are the latest in a string of recent comments by Vatican astronomers confirming a belief that discovery may be made in the near future of alien life, including intelligent life, and that this discovery would not unhinge the doctrine of Christ.
In 2005, another Vatican astronomer, Guy Consolmagno tackled this subject in a 50-page booklet, Intelligent Life in the Universe, in which he concluded that chances are better than not that mankind is facing a future discovery of extraterrestrial intelligence.
Approximately 7 years ago Monsignor Corrado Balducci made similar news when he said ETs were actually already interacting with earth and that some of the Vatican’s leaders were aware of it.
Before his death in 1999, maverick Catholic theologian Father Malachi Martin hinted at such more than once. In 1997, while on Coast to Coast AM radio, Art Bell asked him why the Vatican was heavily invested in the study of deep space at Mt Graham Observatory in southeastern Arizona. As a retired professor of the Pontifical Biblical Institute, Father Martin was uniquely qualified to hold in secret, information pertaining to the Vatican’s Advanced Technology Telescope (VATT) project at the Mount Graham International Observatory (MGIO). Martin’s answer ignited a firestorm of interest among Christian and secular UFOlogists when he said, “Because the mentality… amongst those who [are] at the… highest levels of Vatican administration and geopolitics, know that, now, knowledge of what’s going on in space, and what’s approaching us, could be of great import in the next five years, ten years.”
Those cryptic words “…what’s approaching us, could be of great import in the next five years, ten years,” was followed in subsequent interviews with discussion of a mysterious “sign in the sky” that Malachi believed was approaching from the North. People familiar with Malachi believe he may have been referring to a near-future arrival of alien intelligence.
If ET life is something Vatican officials have privately considered for some time, why speak of it so openly now, in what some perceive as a careful doctrinal unveiling over the last 24 months? Is this a deliberate effort by church officials to “warm-up” the laity to ET Disclosure? Are official church publications on the subject an attempt to soften the blow before disclosure arrives, in order to help the faithful retain their orthodoxy in light of unprecedented forthcoming knowledge?
What are your thoughts?
Article by: Brian Veloso/Follow The Money
End of the world,
Full disclosure,
Friday, January 22, 2010
There, I said it; and I stand by it. James Cameron is an alien. After watching Avatar in 3D, trying to recapture my earthly sensory perception, I came to the realization that this 'story' had to be divinely inspired by more than just human brain cells. I must admit that I was expecting to be entertained, but I was not prepared for the visual masterpiece that is Avatar.
I must admit that I needed to have a few minutes of the Na'Vi people under my belt before I felt a connection, a deep respect for these creatures that came to life before my very eyes. Something, I didn't know what it was, but I felt a kinship to this fictitious community and it kept pulling me in minute by minute. I couldn't quite put my finger on it, but after studying the paranormal/supernatural arena for over 30 years, something was nagging at me. Something SO familiar and ritualistic that I left my position of being a movie viewer and became part of the fight of the Na'Vi people. Then, my epiphany: This is the story of the Anunnaki people and the fight to protect their existence on Pandora or as I believe, the 10th planet, Planet X. Their love for all living things and celestial environment allowed me to escape the trauma of the world we live in. Reading the feedback from some of the Avatar movie goers, I must admit, I couldn't understand how one could delve so far into a MOVIE that they would completely lose themselves and all sense of reality so much so that they were left sad, distraught, angry, depressed and even suicidal. How could this be? ENTER THE EXPERIENCE OF AVATAR 3D. To say I was humbled may be an understatement, but now I have a clearer insight to what some people with what might seem to be insurmountable problems, could completely immerse themselves in the perception of reality that unfolded on the screen. For some of us that believe there has always been more to our human existence, Avatar gives us hope that James Cameron's vision was a Divine intervention. It doesn't seem human to me to have a man, even with James' imagination, to have conceptionalize the vastness of beauty, KNOWLEDGE, language of linguistic phenomena and unworldliness of the world of Pandora and the Na'Vi people.
I come to this conclusion that James MUST have had an 'alien' influence because you had to have a firm grip on the ending to anticipate how the story of the Na'Vi people to unfold as the story progressed. Pandora is, in my humble opinion, either a glimpse of Heaven or the 10th planet, Planet X. The Anunnaki people on a planet worth protecting from us 'sky people' is an easily obtainable conclusion. We kill what we don't understand. We are perceived as a threat because we ARE a threat. It's more understandable that people in this trying economy want to make the leap in becoming a Pandorian community. The Na'Vi people worship and respect the world they live in and are willing to protect its beauty from the enimy: Governments so hell bent on financial gain that everyone and everything is dispensable. Who wouldn't want to become an Avatar then a full fledged Na'Vi? People are sad, confused, depressed and suicidal because they are tired of being from a world of war, famine, pestilence, hunger and true evil. Pandora speaks to the souls of a planet that is wasting away under its own rules and inviting them to join a peaceful place where one will be loved and accepted. No bills, no economic failure or war just peace.
Yes, again, I truly believe that James Cameron was NOT alone in this epic adventure. As a clairaudient with a firm belief in another existence outside of our earthly lives, I would welcome the opportunity to have a one-on-one with Mr. Avatar. I have a keen nack at seeing past the secrets our bodies hold and would love to see what I SEE in James. Once you see this film if you hold any interest in the paranormal/supernatural, there will be no doubt in your mind that this story clearly mirrors Planet X and the Anunnaki people.
I know first hand what it takes to bring an idea to fruition but trust me, this goes MUCH farther then even a complex idea of bringing the Na'Vi people and Pandora to life. This goes way beyond the scope of even the most imaginative minds and scholarly knowledge. James was NOT alone in telling this story which is why so many people can relate or subscribe to the idea of a kind, gentle race of people.
I would LOVE to hear what you all think about this visual masterpiece and may I recommend you experience it in 3D. Post your comments and thoughts in hopes that maybe one day, I can share it with the master himself.
Irayo txantslusam tsamsiyu: Oe kame nga James!
James Cameron,
Planet X,
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Thursday, January 21, 2010
As we brace for El Nino storm number 3, here in Lakewood (near Long Beach, CA) we're faced with more evacuations, flash flooding for the poor residents that were affected by the Station Fires just a few months ago and 2 to 3 inches of rain per hour.
Some of the people in the burn area, although under mandatory evacuations, still refuse to leave their homes for fear that they will return to nothing but mud and debris. However, one must take into account that by staying after being told to leave, puts our most precious resources at risk. Our firefighters, our swift water rescue teams and police officers STILL must put their lives at risk if the remaining residents are somehow consumed by the walls of mud and/or water approach their homes at lightning speeds. It somehow doesn't seem fair that some put the value of property above the lives of our men and women who must come to their aide when they realize that once the rain starts, it's already too late. Residents MUST take into account that once the mud begins its downhill journey, simply hoping in their cars only complicates the matter at hand. Roads will be washed out, streets flooded, storm drains completely blocked with runoff debris making it impossible to escape. They cannot turn around. Cell phone usage to contact emergency personnel will be pointless as the rains have knocked out grids all over the Los Angeles area.
My plea to my fellow Californians: If you are asked to leave, LEAVE. Help the firefighters help you by not putting them in a position to save you after you've made the decision to defy the law. They're asking you to leave because a flash flood, mud slides and heave rain is IMMINENT NOT SIMPLY POSSIBLE!!
Here's a little bit of the beginning storm yesterday just as it started to hail!
Stay safe!
Chris & Cathy
Some of the people in the burn area, although under mandatory evacuations, still refuse to leave their homes for fear that they will return to nothing but mud and debris. However, one must take into account that by staying after being told to leave, puts our most precious resources at risk. Our firefighters, our swift water rescue teams and police officers STILL must put their lives at risk if the remaining residents are somehow consumed by the walls of mud and/or water approach their homes at lightning speeds. It somehow doesn't seem fair that some put the value of property above the lives of our men and women who must come to their aide when they realize that once the rain starts, it's already too late. Residents MUST take into account that once the mud begins its downhill journey, simply hoping in their cars only complicates the matter at hand. Roads will be washed out, streets flooded, storm drains completely blocked with runoff debris making it impossible to escape. They cannot turn around. Cell phone usage to contact emergency personnel will be pointless as the rains have knocked out grids all over the Los Angeles area.
My plea to my fellow Californians: If you are asked to leave, LEAVE. Help the firefighters help you by not putting them in a position to save you after you've made the decision to defy the law. They're asking you to leave because a flash flood, mud slides and heave rain is IMMINENT NOT SIMPLY POSSIBLE!!
Here's a little bit of the beginning storm yesterday just as it started to hail!
Stay safe!
Chris & Cathy
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
We asked for it! We got it! Southern California is being deluged with heavy rain and the storm cells are so severe today, that we've been issued a tornado warning here in the Long Beach, CA area. Tornado 'warnings' are different then tornado alerts in that warnings mean a tornado can be on the ground and can be seen versus just an alert that a tornado CAN happen. These are issues we Californians are NOT used to nor are we comfortable in 'finding shelter in a basement'. Um, WE DON'T HAVE BASEMENTS nor are we at the ready to drag our mattresses into the bathroom to take cover in our bathtubs! Heck, we thought we had our share of being the earthquake capital of the world; riding out average 3.0's nearly on a daily basis but NO! NEWS FLASH: CAN SOMEONE PLEASE KEEP THEIR TORNADO'S AND US HERE IN SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA, WILL KEEP THE EARTHQUAKES?
As I said in a Tweet when the tornado warning was issued, 'If this were December 20, 2012, I'd be saying my goodbyes!' Yes, I must admit. When faced with lightning strikes right outside my window so strong it FELT like an earthquake , a national weather alert interrupting my 'regularly scheduled program' with a TORNADO WARNING, the roof being ripped off my patio AND the rain pounding like drumming on my roof, I'd much rather just deal with earthquakes.
Sure makes you put your priorities in order as you're dragging your bed into the bathroom!
Take care So. Californians, we have 3 more severe El Nino storms to come this week!
As I said in a Tweet when the tornado warning was issued, 'If this were December 20, 2012, I'd be saying my goodbyes!' Yes, I must admit. When faced with lightning strikes right outside my window so strong it FELT like an earthquake , a national weather alert interrupting my 'regularly scheduled program' with a TORNADO WARNING, the roof being ripped off my patio AND the rain pounding like drumming on my roof, I'd much rather just deal with earthquakes.
Sure makes you put your priorities in order as you're dragging your bed into the bathroom!
Take care So. Californians, we have 3 more severe El Nino storms to come this week!
Friday, January 15, 2010
This video shows evidence of Chemtrails as see all over the world. These heavily debated trails are said to be sprayed from retrofitted commercial airlines commissioned by the government to spray toxins over the cities in which they appear. They are said to contain very high levels of arsenic and barium making the cities population below sick, acting irrational and contracting different kinds of diseases such as cancer, tumors and birth defects.
Some say the chemtrails are mearly normal exhaust from the jetliners: It is not. Jet fuel burn off dissipates quickly and does not have the density to remain in the skies for hours at a time.
Is this all part of HAARP? Bio-Chemical warfare? TESLA? Are they creating a 'screen' in the atmosphere that NASA's "Project Blue Beam" will project holographic images of a false 'Rapture' in order to confuse and frighten the global population?
You decide.
Some say the chemtrails are mearly normal exhaust from the jetliners: It is not. Jet fuel burn off dissipates quickly and does not have the density to remain in the skies for hours at a time.
Is this all part of HAARP? Bio-Chemical warfare? TESLA? Are they creating a 'screen' in the atmosphere that NASA's "Project Blue Beam" will project holographic images of a false 'Rapture' in order to confuse and frighten the global population?
You decide.
Sedona Sweat Hut Deaths
Hey bloggers! After meditating a lot on the Sedona Sweat Hut deaths, I had a visitation last night from an Indian Chief. I awoke around 2:15 a.m. to find an Indian Chief standing at the side of my bed. Although he wasn't wearing any traditional dress, I knew by thought, that he was a Chief that had been highly respected. The thing that shocked me is he didn't say a word. The Chief was leading me to believe that he had a story to tell me about the Sedona deaths but stood still and silent. When my gaze left his face, I had noticed that he was wearing a hospital gown, white with some type of blue print on it. I was puzzled by what he was wearing and couldn't stop staring at the gown. I turned to see if my husband was awake and when I turned back around, he was gone.
When returning from the restroom, I once again saw the Chief at the foot of my bed floating about 3 feet off of the ground. He stood there looking straight ahead never looking at me. All of a sudden I had this HUGE rush of fear pass through my body! It was absolutely frightening! I gasped for air and turned my head toward the floor. After collecting myself, I looked up and locked my eyes onto his face. His face was hardened, his features striking and chiseled. I tried to talk to him but he never broke his distant stare..then I noticed a single tear rolling down his left cheek and he started to fade. I knew instantly that he had come to tell me something but I wasn't ready to hear it yet, I felt as if he was telling me to dig deeper into the story and deeper into meditation, so that is what I will do.
This weekend, I will do some deep meditation on the sweat hut deaths with Chris in anticipation of my friends return. This is a story in progress. Take this journey with Chris and I and watch as it unfolds. Sometimes we get the answer and sometimes we don't. I have a good feeling about this one. Keep the positive vibrations going. Love and light!
When returning from the restroom, I once again saw the Chief at the foot of my bed floating about 3 feet off of the ground. He stood there looking straight ahead never looking at me. All of a sudden I had this HUGE rush of fear pass through my body! It was absolutely frightening! I gasped for air and turned my head toward the floor. After collecting myself, I looked up and locked my eyes onto his face. His face was hardened, his features striking and chiseled. I tried to talk to him but he never broke his distant stare..then I noticed a single tear rolling down his left cheek and he started to fade. I knew instantly that he had come to tell me something but I wasn't ready to hear it yet, I felt as if he was telling me to dig deeper into the story and deeper into meditation, so that is what I will do.
This weekend, I will do some deep meditation on the sweat hut deaths with Chris in anticipation of my friends return. This is a story in progress. Take this journey with Chris and I and watch as it unfolds. Sometimes we get the answer and sometimes we don't. I have a good feeling about this one. Keep the positive vibrations going. Love and light!
Thursday, January 14, 2010
As a person who suffers from Fibromyalgia, difficulty sleeping, joint pain, feelings of being part of another dimension, I'm left wondering if it's NOT Fibromyalgia at all. Have you heard of 'Ascension Symptoms'? I know once you Google it, I'm almost certain you'll think 'yeah, right these new age people'. I beg you to keep an open mind. There are MANY great web sites discussing the ascension symptoms and how it relates to our modern world and people who suffer from diseases that are hard if not impossible to diagnose.
Please, take a listen to our archived show regarding ascension symptoms on: www.blogtalkradio.com/LAPS and let us know what you think! It certainly is food for thought and makes A LOT of sense to me!
Please, take a listen to our archived show regarding ascension symptoms on: www.blogtalkradio.com/LAPS and let us know what you think! It certainly is food for thought and makes A LOT of sense to me!
Ascension Symptoms,
Modern day diseases,
New Age,
Hello Bloggers,
Even though the government still denies the 1947 Roswell UFO crash, we had a much debated discussion about how many 'modern' technologies came about because of the Roswell crash. Do you think it's strange that even though the denial continued, we were inundated with SUPER TECHNOLOGY such as aluminum foil, microwave ovens and a new department created to decipher 'unworldly' coded hieroglyphics?
Why are researchers of UFO's and alien existence silenced or even worse killed? Makes me think, or rather, re-think whether or not I want to pursue my passion of forcing Full Disclosure 2010~
Even though the government still denies the 1947 Roswell UFO crash, we had a much debated discussion about how many 'modern' technologies came about because of the Roswell crash. Do you think it's strange that even though the denial continued, we were inundated with SUPER TECHNOLOGY such as aluminum foil, microwave ovens and a new department created to decipher 'unworldly' coded hieroglyphics?
Why are researchers of UFO's and alien existence silenced or even worse killed? Makes me think, or rather, re-think whether or not I want to pursue my passion of forcing Full Disclosure 2010~
Full disclosure,
Government Cover Ups,
Roswell NM,
Prepare People!
I don't call my dreams dreams, they are visions. The difference between dreams and visions are dreams fade rather quickly and have no lasting effect. Visions on the other hand are as if you have "lived" this experience, it is real, it is tangable. I have visions, almost on a nightly basis. These "visions" I hold dear to my heart and feel as if I am selling myself out if I share them with others, but now it has taken a different turn. These "visions" are becoming extremely profound and it is no longer a matter of secrecy of self, but now a matter of warnings, in which I now feel need to be shared.
Lately, the 'visions' have foretold me of devulsion of truths, truths that many before us have known of and have kept silent about, or so they think. The time of FULL ALIEN DISCLOSURE is among us! In my 'visions' the aliens are among us. They have talked to me through light that had structure and in this I mean it was words through light. This light enveloped me and spoke to me without words yet I completely understood. These beings are here to teach us, not to harm us, at least the ones that have communicated with me. When speaking with 'them', I felt as if I had been with them many, many times and it almost felt like a homecoming.
I promise, if you follow this blog, I will share all of my 'visions' with you because I wish to share with you the insight that I have, and the beings have led me to believe that Chris and I are here to help prepare our fellow mankind for their disclosure. Keep an open mind and share this journey with us!
Love and light!!
Lately, the 'visions' have foretold me of devulsion of truths, truths that many before us have known of and have kept silent about, or so they think. The time of FULL ALIEN DISCLOSURE is among us! In my 'visions' the aliens are among us. They have talked to me through light that had structure and in this I mean it was words through light. This light enveloped me and spoke to me without words yet I completely understood. These beings are here to teach us, not to harm us, at least the ones that have communicated with me. When speaking with 'them', I felt as if I had been with them many, many times and it almost felt like a homecoming.
I promise, if you follow this blog, I will share all of my 'visions' with you because I wish to share with you the insight that I have, and the beings have led me to believe that Chris and I are here to help prepare our fellow mankind for their disclosure. Keep an open mind and share this journey with us!
Love and light!!
Hello Bloggers!
Cathy & I are taking questions as to what predictions you would like us to meditate on! Post your questions, what you would like to hear from us and we will blog answers to your prediction questions!
Come back, subscribe and follow us to keep up with the latest 2010 predictions!
C & C
Cathy & I are taking questions as to what predictions you would like us to meditate on! Post your questions, what you would like to hear from us and we will blog answers to your prediction questions!
Come back, subscribe and follow us to keep up with the latest 2010 predictions!
C & C
Full disclosure,
Gary McKinnon,
Government Cover Ups,
Call To Reconsider McKinnon Move
Home Secretary Alan Johnson has been urged to "see the writing on the wall" after computer hacker Gary McKinnon was granted a judicial review.
A High Court judge is now set to rule on whether Mr Johnson was wrong to allow the hacker's extradition to the US.
Tory David Burrowes (Enfield Southgate), Mr McKinnon's MP, called for a Government statement on the decision, saying: "Surely the Home Secretary should see the writing on the wall of the court's decision - that he was wrong to ignore the compelling medical evidence and wrong to allow his extradition given his perilous mental state."
Commons Leader Harriet Harman replied: "I think the situation is that this is now going forward for judicial review."
The exchange took place in the Commons during questions on upcoming parliamentary business.
Mr McKinnon's lawyer Karen Todner said she was "delighted" there would be a judicial review of Mr Johnson's decision. A hearing is likely to take place in April or May.
But she warned that Mr McKinnon, who suffers from a form of autism known as Asperger's syndrome, was in a "very poor mental state" because of stress.
Authorities in the US want Mr McKinnon to stand trial for hacking into top secret military computers. The 43-year-old from Wood Green, north London, says he was looking for evidence of UFOs.
Article credit: Bromsgrove Advertiser U.K.
A High Court judge is now set to rule on whether Mr Johnson was wrong to allow the hacker's extradition to the US.
Tory David Burrowes (Enfield Southgate), Mr McKinnon's MP, called for a Government statement on the decision, saying: "Surely the Home Secretary should see the writing on the wall of the court's decision - that he was wrong to ignore the compelling medical evidence and wrong to allow his extradition given his perilous mental state."
Commons Leader Harriet Harman replied: "I think the situation is that this is now going forward for judicial review."
The exchange took place in the Commons during questions on upcoming parliamentary business.
Mr McKinnon's lawyer Karen Todner said she was "delighted" there would be a judicial review of Mr Johnson's decision. A hearing is likely to take place in April or May.
But she warned that Mr McKinnon, who suffers from a form of autism known as Asperger's syndrome, was in a "very poor mental state" because of stress.
Authorities in the US want Mr McKinnon to stand trial for hacking into top secret military computers. The 43-year-old from Wood Green, north London, says he was looking for evidence of UFOs.
Article credit: Bromsgrove Advertiser U.K.
Need spiritual help with lifes questions?
Hey, Chris and I have been doing this a long time. We never charge for rune readings or psychic insight but truly appreicate donations so that we can keep this going! Rune readings are fun and very insightful! Ask any question that you are dealing with and we will read the runes and tell you about the situation in question, what you need to do and the probable outcome! Give us a try and if you like it, pass the word, and if you don't, please let us know and we will try to resolve the situation and work with you on a one to one basis.
Will I get this job? Is he right for me? The sky is the limit. All readings are personal and confidential. Now, the only question is, are you ready to have some fun? Cathy
Will I get this job? Is he right for me? The sky is the limit. All readings are personal and confidential. Now, the only question is, are you ready to have some fun? Cathy
Welcome to our new blog site! We encourage everyone to join Cathy & I in great discussions involving topics regarding conspiracy theories such as UFO's, Aliens, Mothman, Angels, Ghosts, Spirits. We discuss and debate AS ADULTS theories on HAARP, Project Blue Beam, Government coverups regarding Alien encounters! We respect every opinion and encourage all points of views regarding controversial issues. Send us your stories, pictures and join us in the near future for live video feeds and live chat!
Chris & Cathy
Chris & Cathy
Project Blue Beam,
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